自学校成立以来,戏剧一直是阿奎那卓越传统的一部分. Over the years, 阿奎那阶段培养了创造力, skill, 和一代又一代学生的信心. 我们的演员和工作人员为包括家长在内的观众表演, grandparents, 甚至曾祖父母也曾在同一个舞台上表演过. 我们现任剧院导演, Megan Barbour, 她自己是第三代校友和前阿奎那演员吗.
我们每年的戏剧季为我们所有的学生提供表演机会, 无论是初中还是高中. 主舞台季包括三部作品,全部由学生在成人监督下演出. 学生们沉浸在广泛的流派,从当代节目(过去的节目包括 发胶,恐怖小店, and She Kills Monsters)到美国经典(《星际娱乐》《坩埚, and Our Town),到莎士比亚(罗密欧与朱丽叶,仲夏夜之梦, and The Tempest).
超越主舞台的季节, students further develop their craft through programming such as the annual 24 Hour Play Festival (which offers opportunities for student playwrights and directors as well as actors and technicians), workshops, and field trips. 我们的学生去了纽约, London, 以及加拿大著名的斯特拉特福德艺术节,欣赏表演, tours, and masterclasses.
In the classroom, 我们的中学生学习讲故事和合作表演的要素, while our high schoolers dive into the world of the theatre through classes like Introduction to Theatre and Introduction to Production, Dramatics, Acting, 和公众演讲.
Additionally, the Theatre Director and the department itself are active members of the New York State Theatre Education Association (NYSTEA). Our students attend the annual NYSTEA Student Conference in the Catskills where theatre professionals from New York City and the East coast, 还有大学戏剧节目, 在三天的时间里举办各种研讨会.
阿奎那对戏剧艺术的投入可以从各种各样的制作经验中看出, 课堂教学, 以及为学生提供的课程. 我们希望你以演员的身份加入我们, technician, patron, 或者是让我们这一季成为最棒的一季的观众!
阿奎那技术剧院项目负责维护, program, 以及所有戏剧作品的施工, concerts, dance concerts, 星际娱乐组织. It is a completely student run organization; students are in charge of building, designing, 实施技术剧院的各个方面. 我们鼓励所有的理工科学生来参与建设, 在灯光上工作, sound, set, costumes, and props happens. While most students eventually find an area they would like to specialize in as an upperclassmen, all students are encouraged to work in a variety of crews to learn more about the process as a whole.